RPA 'Ecomed',
129090, Russia, Moscow, POB no. 87,
tel. 963-11-22, tel./fax 963-05-97,
email: ecomednpo@mtu-net.ru,
site: www.npoecomed.com


No ________

Research Institute of Clinical Oncology
Research Institute of Children's Oncology
Research Institute of Cancirogenesis
Research Institute of Experimental
Diagnostics and Tumor Therapy
Tel.: 324-44-16
Tel.: 324-42-76
Tel.: 324-14-70
Tel.: 324-22-74

on antitumor properties of the autonomous electrostimulator of alimentary canal and mucosa submitted by ECOMED Research and Production Association in combination with cytostaticsin the cell culture

The present investigation concerns tlie combined application of the autonomous clectrostimulator of alimentary canal and mucosa with antitumor medicines (metatrexate and vincrhystine) in the tumor cell culture of EL-4 lymphoma.

The performed studies showed that the clectrostimulator has an expressed antitumor effect in the cell culture. Meanwhile, a good synergistic effect of tlie stimulator and chemical preparations was observed. A weak electromagnetic field generated by the stimulator inhibits the DNA synthesis of the tumor cells, activates the apoptosis of these cells, and does not virtually affect the intensity of necrotic processes. Moreover, the stimulator significantly inhibits the colonization activity of the tumor cells. On the whole, we can conclude that the electrostimulator results in the significant structural and functional disturbances in the lymphoma cells and also substantially intensifies the antitumor properties of chemical preparations. This fact indicates that a combination of the stimulalor with highly toxic chemical preparations will enable to reduce significantly the doses that is of great importance with respect to the tactics of chemical therapy.

We should specially note that the electrostimulator increases the antitumor activity of the phagocyte cells, which are the basic cell elements of the natural antitumor immunity of an organism.

Thus, we can assume that the electrostimulator is an efficient facility, which increase the resistance of an organism to tumors and enhances the therapeutic effect of chemical preparations. Undoubtedly, the obtained results are of interest for practical oncology; however, their introduction to the clinical practice requires additional examinations at the departments of chemical therapy in the complex treatment with chemical medicines.

Doctor of biological sciences,
Professor of the Oncological Research Center

Scientific Secretary of the Research Institute
of Experimental Diagnostics and Tumor Therapy,
Candidate of chemical sciences


115478, Moscow, Kashirskoe highway, 24, Tel.: (095) 324-11-24, Fax: (095) 230-24-50, Telex: 111058 CANCER

How to distinguish original products from the fake ones

Original products have laser marking on the box with written title "Electronic normalizer", factory number, little star and the RPA "Ecomed" trade mark.
